UO Homesite

The University of Oregon homesite — the homepage and collective top-tier pages in its navigation — receives more than a million visits each year, many from users who are eager to learn what sets the UO apart, makes it special, and empowers the university to create positive impact the world over. With that in mind, homepage messaging focuses primarily on serving external audiences with stories, news, and stats, demonstrating the UO’s strength, differentiating its brand, and supporting enrollment. At key times during the year, the site amplifies messaging to prospective students and their parents and families, encouraging them to act by visiting, applying, or enrolling. 


Annual Users: 1M; 3.9M pageviews, 30 percent mobile; top traffic drivers are search engines.            


Digital Strategy, Marketing and Brand Strategy    

Current sections breakdown


The most notable piece of content on the homesite is the hero space at the top of the page. The space functions much like a banner ad — as such, it is reserved for top-line institutional messages. This envelope showcases original, iconic video/photography and graphic design, featuring people engaged in activities, with minimal reliance on stock-house imagery. Copy features a compelling headline with brief subhead and call to action (CTA). Preferably, this links to campaign-specific pages reflecting priority messaging. At times, this can link to priority news stories, but the dynamic News and features section also exists for that purpose. 

Intended Audience: All/General 

Links to: Digital Comms content, Mighty Oregon (main page or priorities LP), schools or units, Oregon Quarterly feature stories  
Content Refreshes: ~ 2 weeks – one month.

News and Features

Three headlines, usually linking to Around the O, but can link anywhere. This is intended to be dynamic, flexible area accommodating news or other priority messaging.

Intended Audience: All/General

Links to: Around the O – also Oregon Quarterly, schools and units via AO link-backs

Content Refreshes: paced with breaking news, but endeavor to have headlines cycle through in ~ 2 weeks.

Action Icons

Icons replaced buttons in September 2023 – highlighting admissions-based links: Apply, Visit, Explore Majors and Cost & Aid.  

Intended Audience: Prospective students

Links to: Admissions-based content

Content Refreshes: revisited quarterly/semi annually

We Are Ducks

Admissions-based brand identity. Effort in motion to replace with new campaign.  

Intended Audience: Prospective students/General

Links to: Request information (when replaced links to campaign landing page)

Content Refreshes: revisited semi annually

Big Numbers (A)

3-6 top-level institutional brag points; tags link to pages with substantiation. CTA button “UO by the Numbers” links to /about.

Intended Audience: Prospective students

Links to: Admissions-based content

Content Refreshes: revisited quarterly/semi annually

Find the Degree Program for You

Links to undergraduate, graduate and Law programs.  

Intended Audience: Prospective students

Links to: Admissions-based content

Content Refreshes: revisited semi annually

Big Numbers (B)

3-6 top-level institutional brag points intended to emphasize academic and research reputation

Intended Audience: General public

Links to: n/a

Content Refreshes: revisited quarterly/semi annually

Social Media Embed

Dynamic embed of UO’s Instagram, provides easy connection to UO’s main social media channels (currently: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube).  

Intended Audience: Prospective students, All/general.

Links to: University social media channels, esp. Instagram

Content Refreshes: in cycle with post publication on social channels


Feed of public events from UO Events Calendar, managed by student life.  

Intended Audience: All/general.

Links to: Events Calendar items

Content Refreshes: daily if items are available


Most of the remaining items on the homesite – items on the homepage or interior pages -- are intended to remain static over longer periods of time, carefully crafted, and updated based on strategic priorities and audience needs. In general practice, we will not add sections or pages to the homepage or navigation ad hoc to accommodate short-term priorities.