Templates allow you to quickly and easily add a variety of special elements to your content—from grids and call to action buttons and photos with captions to resource listings and feature envelopes and story blocks. To add a new template element to your content, place your cursor in the spot where you want the new element to be and click the template icon:

Component Templates
These are our most commonly-used templates, which include grids, call to action buttons, button photos, responsive tables, and photos with captions. They are individual components, but they can be combined to create various layouts and design elements.
Pattern Templates
These are a collection of our component templates already built into pre-made patterns, including photo navigation and resource listings.
Marketing Page Templates
These are our advanced templates for use on our marketing pages. They include feature and hero envelopes and story block envelopes. These should be used on full-width marketing pages and homepages, with limited use on other page types.