Digital Platform June 2024 (24.06) Update

Version 24.06 of the UO Communications web platform has been released (tagged 24.06).

This release has the following changes:

Feature Updates

UO Cosmic Theme/UO Core

  • Enhancements to Gallery-V2 component
    • Component now safely checks for DOMPurify library
    • Images are resized to prevent scrolling
    • Images resize dynamically on screen orientation change
    • Add function now adds gallery-v2 wired up fields by default, improving the add/delete experience in the editor

UO Communications Install Profile

  • Uninstalled Fake Objects, UO CKEditor 5 Anchor, UO CKEditor 5 iFrame, and UO Maps modules
    • Note: UO Maps Cache module is currently a sub-folder in the UO Maps module.  UO Maps shouldn't be deleted from your platform at the present time.
  • Granted Site Editor and Site Manager roles "Access the taxonomy vocabulary overview page/Get an overview of all taxonomy vocabularies" permission
  • Standardized menu editing permissions

Bug Fixes

UO Communications Install Profile

  • Fixed issue where search and replace scanner module could not be installed

UO Cosmic Theme/UO Core

  • Fixed issue where "Resources For" menu would show in the mobile menu if menu was assigned in UO Banner but was empty

UO Maps Cache

  • Fixed issue where sometimes rooms would not rebuild on cache clear