Component Templates

These are our most commonly-used templates, which include grids, call to action buttons, button photos, responsive tables, and photos with captions. They are individual components, but they can be combined to create various layouts and design elements.


A grid is a responsive multi-column layout for content.

Call to Action Buttons

A call to action button is a simply styled link button usually for a call to action.

Photo Button

A photo button is a photo with a caption overlay that links to content.


A card is a self contained block of data which usually links to another page or resource.


A gallery is a set of photos grouped together which open up into a larger popup window when clicked.


A timeline is a vertical arrangement of items that represent dates and deadlines.

Section Header

A section header is a colorful banner with a title and links at the top of a section of content.

Photo with Caption

A captioned photo is a photo with a caption below it.

Collapse Menu

A collapse menu is a vertical menu listing which collapses on mobile displays.

Responsive Table

A responsive table is a table of data that breaks down nicely on mobile phones. Requires header columns.


A listing is a row of content with a photo and some content used for articles and other content listings.

Big Number

A big number is a large text block used to display marketing/statistic style numbers.

Image Overlays

Image overlays provide tints to improve visibility on images.

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