Note: This is a help page for the UO Profile website which was formerly called CAS Profiles.
UO Profile Managers assist others in their department with UO Profile updates.
If you are someone who helps manage profile content or makes edits on other profiles for a department, school, or college, below are a few tips to keep in mind when working in UO Profiles for other faculty, staff, or students.
Editing Profile Information Tips
- When editing list item fields, you can either select the item from the list by typing in the name, or by scrolling down the dropdown list.
- Make sure when selecting a department or program from the dropdown list that you are editing the correct list as many of them have similar names.
- Currently, to delete any list item, you will need to type in the name, or click on that item's name, in the dropdown to remove that item as the "x" next to the names do not currently remove an item.
Creating New Profile Sections
- See the page on creating a new profile section for additional profile section creation information.
- The Profile Section “Type” is not fixed at the time of creation and you can change between the different types of Profile Sections if one was accidentally created as the wrong type, such as updating a Biography to an Education, or whatever content type you need.
- There are revisions for each Profile on the UO Profile site, however, you will need to be somewhat proficient in reading code to understand what changes each revision contains. These revisions also show when something was edited, and by who.
Removing Profiles From Your Site
All profiles on our Drupal sites are generated dynamically based on the information populated from the UO Profile site. This means that profiles are not modified from the Drupal sites, but only on the UO Profiles site. To remove a profile from your Drupal site:
- While logged into the UO Profile site, find the user you need to remove from your site. You can do this in a couple different ways:
- Using the search or filter options on the main UO Profile homepage
- Clicking on the "Manage profiles" in the "Profile Manager Tools" menu
- Typing in their Duck ID after the URL, like this:
- Once you find the profile on the UO Profile site that needs removed, click their user name, and then click the Edit link:

- Remove your Department and Programs from the following sections by clicking your Department or Program names from any of the relevant dropdown lists:
- Departments
- Affiliated Departments
- Programs, Research, and Outreach
- Save that user's profile to remove them from your site.
The removal generally takes less than an hour to display on your site, however, it may take up to 24 hours. You may also need to clear your cache to see the changes.
Adding a New Person to UO Profiles
Most people in your department should already be in the UO Profiles system, however, occasionally you may need to add a new user. Currently, any new users will need to add themselves to the UO Profile site, which is done by having the person visit the UO Profile site and using their Duck ID to log in.
Once they have logged in, you will be able to use the the "Claim profiles" link in the "Profile Manager Tools" menu to add that new person to your department's list of users.
You will enter the new user's Duck ID into the Duck ID box, click the "Next" button, select the department you are claiming for that Duck ID, then click the "Claim & Notify Owner" button to start the process of claiming that profile for editing.
Note: In order to claim a Duck ID, that person cannot have any departments or affiliated departments in their profile. If that Duck ID does have either of those, you can submit a help ticket and we can look into a specific Duck ID issue for a UO Profile.
There is a possibility in the future of being able to look someone up or add them by their Duck ID on the manager site, but this is not currently possible with the UO Profile site.