Note: This is a help page for the UO Profile website which was formerly called CAS Profiles.
While you are logged into the UO Profile system, click the “Edit” link near the top of the page to make changes to a profile:

Once in the Edit section of a profile there are two areas, the contact information section and the Profile Sections area.
In the contact information section some of the most commonly updated content items are:
- Curriculum Vitae (CV) – CV must be in a Word or an accessible PDF format. All text must be selectable and any images must have alternative text.
- Photo – JPG, generally sized 500 x 500 px, 300 x 225 px, or whatever size your site uses.
Note: The UO Profile site has a limit of 1 MB file size for uploaded images. However, we recommend uploading images that are between 200-500 KB as these are more user friendly. Also, since each site uses different image size ratios for their profiles images, all images must be sized for the web prior to being uploaded. Read more about sizing photos for the web. - There is also a section for an alternate email. Alternate emails are not recommended, but the field is available if it is necessary.
Some other items which you can add or change are:
- First Name – As you want it to display on the website.
- Last Name – As you want it to display on the website.
Note: Some sites use the Full Name Overwrite field instead of the First and Last Name fields to overwrite the default UO Directory names. - Title – Full titles with no abbreviations.
- Additional Title – Optional, but can include titles like “Dean of …” and if you need it to have more than one title, separate them by commas.
- City – This is generally Eugene and/or Portland.
- Office Hours – Optional.
- Departments – Generally should not be modified unless this is a new profile or you are removing a profile. Additional departments beyond the primary department will usually use the “Affiliated Departments” field.
- Affiliated Departments – If you teach or participate in other departments, this is where you can add them.
- Programs, Research and Outreach – Optional, but there are some programs listed here that are not found in the main Department lists.
- Teaching Level – This is used to apply a filter based on what level of students you teach. As an example, if you teach only graduate students at the PhD or Doctoral level, you would select the "Doctoral" option. Most departments don't use this field as many of their departments or programs don't need to apply this filter.
- Interests – Optional.
- Website – Optional, but can include personal or research sites.
The following items do not need to be edited as they are automatically updated once a week from Duckweb (these have text that includes "auto-sync with UO Directory" below the text box field):
- Full Name
- Phone
- Office
If you need to update one of the Duckweb items, visit the UO Service Portal help page for instructions.
These changes may take up to 8 days to display on the UO Profile system.
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