CAS Profiles Quick Reference

Quick Step-by-Step Instructions

Use the following steps to update your user profile. If you need additional information on these steps, more detailed instructions can be found on the other CAS help pages.

  1. Go to
  2. On the left-hand side of the page, click the “Login” link underneath the "UO e-mail user" text and log into CAS Profiles using your Duck ID. Detailed instructions for logging in
  3. On the left-hand side of the page, click the “My account” link.
  4. Click the “Edit” link near the top of the page by the “View” link.
  5. If you update any information under the “Account” tab/link at the top of the page, click the save button at the bottom of the page.
  6. If you update any information under the “Information” tab/link at the top of the page, click the save button at the bottom of the page.

    You will not generally need to edit the “Departments” field. If you need to add additional departments to your profile, you will usually use the “Affiliated Departments” instead.

  7. The left-hand menu area has links to update your Biography, Education, Publications, or other profile content items. Click the title you want to edit.
  8. Click the “Edit” link/tab located to the right of the content item title to make updates.

    For assistance using the CAS Profiles editor box, see the Drupal content editor instructions. While the Drupal version used there is slightly different from CAS Profiles, many of the basic functions are the same.

    Best practices for these items:

    1. Biography – Up to 250 words (excluding ending links to social media)
    2. Education, Awards, Publications – Simple listing (bullets), no large blocks of text
    3. Research – Up to 250 words
  9. Scroll to the bottom of the content item page and click the “Save” button.

Viewing Your Updated Profile

Your content updates will generally appear on your site within a few hours but it can occasionally take 24 hours for the updates to appear. Clear your browser cache to ensure you have the most recent content.

UO Directory Changes

If you make any changes to your UO Directory information through DuckWeb, payroll, or the Service Portal, it may take up to 8 days for any directory updates to appear.

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