Version 18.06 of the UO Communications web platform has been released (tagged 7.x-18.06) with the following changes.
Feature Updates
UO Banner Module (7.x-18.06)
- Changing CDN settings now causes the cache to lear automatically to prevent old asset setting from getting cached
UO Edit Suite (7.x-18.06)
- Updated "pattern" templates to use pure "non-pattern" components for eventual code cleanup and significant CSS file size reduction.
Install Profile (7.x-18.06)
- Updated Widget and Lineutils plugins to version 4.9.2 to match CKEditor version
UO Maps Module (beta/18.06)
- An update hook was added to support sites that have UO Maps enabled but encounter a cache error. Once update runs, the UO Maps cache bin will be created and data will be loaded. Please see the Known Issues section below if you ran update.php and still encounter a cache error associated with the UO Maps module.
Bug Fixes
UO Banner Module (7.x-18.06)
- CDN settings will now use the CDN assets for the Core JS file.
UO Edit Suite (7.x-18.06)
- Collapse menu template now properly adds tabindex value to increase accessibility.
Important Notes
The new issue of the CKEditor WYSIWYG we are using has an issue where the old "Paste from Word" button no longer behaves like it used to, resulting in pasted content that retains many MS Word Styles we do not desire on the web. UO Edit Suite version 18.05 contains a fix for this issue by more aggressively filtering the content pasted from word (but not pasted from other sources).
Known Issues
If you are using UO Maps version 7.x-18.06 and ran update.php, but still see errors related to the UO Maps module, you'll need to manually reload the map data. You can do so by going to the UO Banner and Footer Configuration screen (/admin/config/uoregon/uobannerandfooter) and clicking the Reload Data button. Please allow up to 60 seconds for the data to completely load. Once the data is reloaded, the UO Maps module should be fully functional.