Digital Platform May 2020 (20.05) Update

Version 20.05 of the UO Communications web platform has been released (tagged 7.x-20.05 for Drupal 7 and 8.x-20.05 for Drupal 8) with the following changes:

Feature Updates

UO Banner and Footer (7.x-20.05)

  • Added font-awesome css to the module, allowing for users to add iconography using font-awesome classes.

UO Cosmic Theme (7.x-20.05)

  • Added support for pattern styles that can be applies to backgrounds [Background pattern examples]. These styles can be added to any color background and will adapt accordingly. These styles are the following:
    • bg-pattern-waves
    • bg-pattern-diagonal
    • bg-pattern-prisms
    • bg-pattern-molecules
    • bg-pattern-circles
    • bg-pattern-topo
  • Added "box" style hero images [Box hero envelope examples]
  • Added support for changing the background color of Hero Envelope shades (this works with any palette color and any hero envelope style)
  • Visual improvements to photo navigation grid.
  • Removed "zoom" effect on photo buttons.

UO Edit Suite (7.x-20.05)

  • Added support for overriding add button on complex components. This means that clicking the add button on photo navigation or similar elements will add another photo-navigation element instead of a generic grid element.

Bug Fixes

UO Banner and Footer (7.x-20.05)

  • Fixed a bug where the mobile navigation menu would not get set by default on a new site/module install.

UO Edit Suite (7.x-20.05)

  • Fixed the display of light foreground text on dark backgrounds in the editor.
  • Fixed call to action buttons so that the text is properly readable in the editor.
  • Fixed bugs in the photo gallery template that prevented editors from being able to replace added images.
  • Fixed a bug in the gallery compontnet that could result in linebreaks shifting the display of the gallery items.

Accessibility Improvements

  • Adjusted Chartreuse color slightly for the web to insure dark foreground text is WCAG AA compliant.
  • Shifted footer element on the UO banner and footer to wrap both the site footer and universal footer to better meet the needs of screenreaders.
  • Removed unnecessary aria properties from site footer to improve screenreader experience.

Using Background Patterns

To use a background pattern, you add the classname of the pattern to the element that has a background set. For example:

<div class="palette-bg-uo-green bg-pattern-prisms">This is an element with a uo-green background with the prism pattern on it.</div>


Background Pattern Examples

palette-bg-uo-green bg-pattern-waves

palette-bg-uo-green bg-pattern-diagonal

palette-bg-uo-green bg-pattern-prisms

palette-bg-uo-green bg-pattern-molecules

palette-bg-uo-green bg-pattern-circles

palette-bg-uo-green bg-pattern-topo

Alternate color examples

palette-bg-uo-yellow bg-pattern-prisms

palette-bg-berry bg-pattern-prisms