Version 16.09 of the UO web platform has the following changes.
Feature Updates
Installation Profile
- Envelopes (Marketing Pages) are now included on sites with the install profile. These can be enabled by admins on sites that provide marketing focus or departmental landing pages.
UO Cosmic Theme
- Added a mixed-case modifier to the cta-button template
- CTA Buttons now use a different default styling that is more inline with future changes to the cosmic theme
- Added a new listing component that functions similar to the old listing feature
- Added a new optional classname structure for sidebar menus that is less dependant on exact html structure
- Added linklist component
UO Edit Suite
- Edit Suite now supports multiple editor instances on the same page
- Edit Suite now includes additional safeguards to prevent accidental deletion of template elements
Bug Fixes
UO Edit Suite
- Fixed issues with multiple editor instances
- Fixed bug where internet explorer and certain versions of Safari would throw an error due to a default parameter
- Fixed cta button template to use anchor tag instead of div tag to ensure cta button links appear and function properly.
Required Action by Users
Site Administrators
If you are building a makefile that uses the tier2.make or www.make makefile as a parent, you should udate your references to use uoweb as the parent instead. The tier2 and www makefiles are being deprecated and replaced with a single unified makefile: uoweb.make.